This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-01-22 at 12:00 a.m.
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Take Control News/22-Jan-07

by Adam C. Engst

50%-off Coupon with TidBITS Archive CD -- For those who missed the announcement of our TidBITS Archive CD [1] (see "Introducing the TidBITS Archive CD [2]," 2007-01-08, for full details), note that along with more than 6,500 articles spanning all 860 issues of TidBITS from 1990 through 2006, the CD includes a special 50%-off coupon on your next Take Control order. Through the end of January, the TidBITS Archive CD costs only $29.95, and with the coupon, you could add to your Take Control library and end up with a net result of essentially getting the TidBITS Archive CD for free.

Review a Book, Get a Free Ebook -- We were happy to hear from our friends at Peachpit Press that Joe Kissell's "Real World Mac Maintenance and Backups [3]," which contains "Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac [4]" and "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups [5]," went into a second printing recently. The book was selling extremely well on for a while after it first came out, with very high sales rankings. But then Amazon ran out of stock, and with a 1 to 3 week wait, people stopped ordering, and the book lost its momentum. Curses! So, we're trying an experiment to see if we can get Joe's book back on track, along with Sharon Zardetto Aker's "Real World Mac OS X Fonts [6]," which contains "Take Control of Fonts in Mac OS X [7]" and "Take Control of Font Problems in Mac OS X [8]." Here's the deal. If you have purchased one of these print books, or one of the ebooks included in these print books, and you write a review on Amazon of either print book, let me know via email and I'll send you a free ebook of your choice.
