This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-01-15 at 12:00 a.m.
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Bare Bones Releases Multiple Updates

by Jeff Carlson

While everyone's eyes were on Apple's iPhone last week, Bare Bones Software released updates to three of its applications. The company's flagship text editor BBEdit 8.6 [1] improves Java and TeX handling, and adds support for the Markdown structured text format (which we use to produce TidBITS), including text coloring, folding of document structural elements, and previewing the results within BBEdit. New in this version are commands to save and copy text as styled HTML, which is helpful when posting code samples to the Web. BBEdit can also now read and write Mac OS X's binary property list format used for preference files. BBEdit 8.6 is a free update for owners of version 8.5 or higher, and is a 14 MB download.

Yojimbo 1.4 [2] expands the organizer's AppleScript support and fixes bugs. This update is free for registered owners and is a 10.1 MB download. TextWrangler [3], the company's free text editor, jumps to version 2.2 with an interface overhaul to match BBEdit's look-and-feel as well as features such as support for the binary property list format, an enhanced Preferences window, and improvements to the built-in Java, TeX, and JavaScript language support. TextWrangler 2.2 is a 9.9 MB download. All of the company's updates require Mac OS X 10.4.
