This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-09-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.1

by Adam C. Engst

Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.1 -- Last week, Microsoft made Internet Explorer 2.1 available. The new release adds support for frames, including floating frames, and (in a welcome move) adds an option to turn off frames and plug-ins. Most of the other enhancements focus on the History and Favorites features, along with feedback and performance enhancements. Useful features in Netscape Navigator that Internet Explorer still lacks include zooming the page only to the size of the largest page element, and Netscape's URL guessing capability that allows users to enter "apple" and have the browser guess at "". Download sizes range from 1.7 MB to 2.3 MB, depending on the version. [ACE]
