This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-09-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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System 7.5.4 Update

by Adam C. Engst

System 7.5.4 Update -- According to a memo posted on Ric Ford's MacInTouch site, Apple will release System 7.5.4 Update later this week on all the standard Apple Web and FTP sites. The memo says the update primarily consists of performance and reliability enhancements, and will only install on Macs currently running System 7.5.3. Most interesting for owners of older Macs is the statement that "With the release of System 7.5.4 Update, Apple is delivering its final system software release for the Macintosh Plus, SE, Classic, Portable, PowerBook 100, SE FDHD, SE/30, LC, II, IIx, and IIcx. These computers were not designed to support 32-bit memory addressing. Future Mac OS releases will require 32-bit memory addressing, which is supported by all other Macintosh models." [ACE]
