This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2006-10-16 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/16-Oct-06

by TidBITS Staff

cross-platform: Visual Basic -- With Visual Basic disappearing on the Mac, what options exist for cross-platform scripting? (18 messages [1])

Mac OS X 10.4.8: anyone tried it? Readers share their experiences with the latest Mac OS X update. (12 messages [2])

Get a Piece of the Thinking Rock -- Matt Neuburg's review of the Getting Things Done utility prompts a look at Midnight Inbox. Plus, did traffic from our article crash the Thinking Rock servers? (11 messages [3])

Power button -- Last week's tip for re-mapping the function of a laptop's power button brings up other ways to put a Mac to sleep. (16 messages [4])

Editing/Healing a Corrupt Eudora Mailbox -- Where does Eudora keep the index information about a mailbox? It can depend on several factors. (6 messages [5])

Eudora goes open source -- Speaking of Eudora, readers react to last week's news that the email software's next incarnation is going to be an open-source project built upon Mozilla's Thunderbird. (16 messages [6])

UK Mac accounting software -- A reader in the United Kingdom is looking for opinions and alternatives to accounting software such as QuickBooks for the Mac. (7 messages [7])
