This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2006-08-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/07-Aug-06

by TidBITS Staff

Getting Things Done with your Macintosh -- Following Jeff Porten's articles on the Getting Things Done organizational system, a reader endorses the approach while another points out an iCal-based workaround to Web-based tracking solutions. 2 messages [1]

Merging iPhoto libraries -- Apple assumes that each Mac user has just one iPhoto library on one computer, but reality is quite different. What options are available for merging several libraries together? 5 messages [2]

Wireless Mighty Mouse -- Apple's now-standard multi-button mouse gained a Bluetooth sibling recently, and readers squeak in with their opinions. 12 messages [3]

Talking Points Memo Goes Mac (and has questions) -- The author of several high-traffic political weblogs made a public switch to the Mac and shared his impressions and questions, chief among them how to migrate Eudora mailboxes from Windows to the Mac. 3 messages [4]

Just an off-the-cuff rant -- A new issue of Consumer Reports tackles viruses, spam, spyware, and laptops, with nary a mention of the Mac. Can you say, "ARGH!"? Yes, yes you can. 2 messages [5]
