This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2006-07-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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Adam & Tonya Talk About Book Publishing in MacNotables

by Adam C. Engst

Adam & Tonya Talk About Book Publishing in MacNotables -- Tonya and I had another interesting discussion with Chuck Joiner on our MacNotables podcast last week - about what it's like to package a printed book. For those who don't know, there are two basic ways that computer books are created. Normally, an author writes into Word and takes screenshots and sends it all in to the publisher to be edited and laid out. That may seem fairly straightforward, but we've long been using the second approach, in which we do all the layout and editing necessary to provide the publisher with a finished book (we even pay for indexing, though we always hire a professional indexer). Although there's seemingly more work involved in packaging, it's all up front, so there are no nasty surprises caused by errors introduced during editing or layout, and the royalties are higher. So if you're interested in learning about how some of your favorite computer books are made - it's a lot more work than it seems from the outside - give the podcast a listen. [ACE]
