This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2006-02-13 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/13-Feb-06

by TidBITS Staff

The first link for each thread description points to the traditional TidBITS Talk interface; the second link points to the same discussion on our Web Crossing server, which provides a different look and which may be faster.

Sony to do for books what iTunes did for music? Sony is about to introduce a new ebook reader that comes closer to the experience of reading text on paper, but even more intriguing is an online ebook store fashioned like Apple's iTunes Music Store. The question is: can Sony pull it off, or will the efforts be crippled by DRM or proprietary technologies? (28 messages)


Yojimbo comments -- Readers take note of Bare Bones Software's program for storing important bits of information, branching off into a side discussion of whether application uninstallers would be helpful on the Mac. (24 messages)


Searching for a small microphone -- Since the PowerBook's internal microphone picks up the sound of typing notes so easily, a reader solicits advice on buying an external microphone for recording interviews. (9 messages)


Awkward aspects of the Intel transition -- Now that the Intel iMac is on the market, what practical issues have arisen in the switch away from the PowerPC architecture? (11 messages)


Path Finder 4 comments -- Matt Neuburg's article on the Finder replacement Path Finder 4 generates opinions on what the program does right and what it still needs to work on. (13 messages)


PocketMac comments -- BlackBerry owners relate their experiences with the PocketMac synchronization software that Patrick Dennis recently reviewed. (4 messages)


Do people like Treos or not? Patrick's article on the BlackBerry and PocketMac also prompted one reader to wonder about the differing opinions of Palm's smartphone. (12 messages)


iTMS open for any musician -- The iTunes Music Store isn't available just to the big music producers - though that helps. At least two companies can help post and sell your work on the iTMS, but there are several limitations. (2 messages)


Charging for email? AOL and Yahoo have proposed a scheme whereby companies would pay to have their "good" email delivered. Is it destined to fail, or does a glimmer of a good idea reside there? (8 messages)


Photo storage while traveling -- What's the best way to secure your digital photos on the road so that you don't lose them en route? (10 messages)


Angle brackets and URLs -- How many publications' readers would debate the proper formatting of URLs in email? At least one! (4 messages)
