This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2006-02-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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DealBITS Drawing for browseback Still Open

by Adam C. Engst

DealBITS Drawing for browseback Still Open -- As you may or may not have noticed, we had a spot of trouble with our server last week. Much hair was lost, but more important, most DealBITS entries from Monday and Tuesday and early Wednesday morning were also lost. Everything should be working properly again now, so if you entered DealBITS to win one of three copies of SmileOnMyMac's Web history utility browseback and did not receive an email confirmation of your entry, please enter again at the link below. Don't worry about possible duplicates; my system will find and eliminate them. My apologies for the inconvenience; the problem was quite subtle and, annoyingly, I couldn't personally reproduce it, which made troubleshooting more difficult. Wet noodle self-flagellation will now commence. [ACE]
