This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2006-01-23 at 12:00 p.m.
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Disney/Pixar Merger?

by Adam C. Engst

Disney/Pixar Merger? I don't have any inside information on the possible Disney/Pixar merger currently circulating in the rumor mill, but since the Washington Post asked me to comment, I did. It's a good article, and since Mike Musgrove gave my quote the last word, I had to pass it on:

"For Jobs, however, a prominent role at Disney could satisfy some of his ambitions, analysts said. Adam C. Engst, publisher of influential Mac news site TidBITS, said he could understand how access to Disney, one of the top brands on the globe, would appeal to Jobs.
"'Jobs is out to change the world - it's not about money for him,' Engst said. 'The computer is not necessarily the means to change the world anymore... popular culture is how you change the world.'"

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