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Trade Old CDs for an iPod - Really

by Glenn Fleishman

Trade Old CDs for an iPod - Really -- A store in Charleston, South Carolina, will accept good quality CDs in exchange for iPods. 130 used CDs that meet their quality criteria gets you a 30 GB iPod, for instance. That's under $3 a CD. The one variable is that if you live outside the area and ship them discs, you might have to pay for return shipping if they don't agree with their evaluation of your collection.


A quick tour of and's Marketplace section would probably help quite a bit. Many folks amassed enormous CD collections over the last two decades and listen to few of them now. I've tried to sell CDs in the past, but the peculiarities of the market supply now at et al. mean that popular CDs often have low prices because there are so many in circulation for resale. [GF]