This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-11-21 at 12:00 p.m.
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Firmware Update Solves Power Mac G5 1.8 GHz Freezes

by Adam C. Engst

Firmware Update Solves Power Mac G5 1.8 GHz Freezes -- Last week, a reader wrote in asking if we knew anything more about the freezing problems he was having with his single processor Power Mac G5 1.8 GHz. Almost simultaneously, Apple released a firmware update for that machine that promises to address a number of freezes, enabling us to write back and tell him that we'd looked into the problem, contacted Apple, and that they had dropped everything to release a firmware update for us. Every now and then you just have to take credit for utter coincidences! There are separate updates for Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.3; they're about 1 MB in size. [ACE]

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