This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-10-31 at 12:00 p.m.
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Apple Releases Pro Video Updates

by Jeff Carlson

Apple Releases Pro Video Updates -- Apple recently released a slew of updates to its professional video software. Final Cut Express HD 3.0.1 adds compatibility with the recently announced Power Mac G5s equipped with PCI Express graphics controllers; the update is a 948K download. For Final Cut Pro 5 users, the Final Cut Pro 5 Updates provide "improved reliability" and bring Final Cut to version 5.0.3; the updater is an 85 MB download. Apple also released Pro Applications Update 2005-02, which updates the Helium.framework and DesktopVideoOut.component used by Final Cut Studio, Apple Qmaster 2, and Final Cut Express HD 3; it's available via Software Update. Finally, Pro Application Support 3.1 improves general user interface reliability for Final Cut Studio, Soundtrack, Logic Pro, and Logic Express; separate versions for Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4 are available as 6.1 MB downloads. [JLC]

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