This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-10-31 at 12:00 p.m.
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OmniWeb 5.1.2 Released

by Adam C. Engst

OmniWeb 5.1.2 Released -- The Omni Group has released OmniWeb 5.1.2, a minor update aimed primarily at fixing bugs (see "OmniWeb 5.0: The Powerful Web Browser" in TidBITS-742 for a full review). New features in OmniWeb 5.1.2 include support for Fast User Switching and the Flash Player 8 plug-in. JavaScript alert() and prompt() dialogs now properly display the domain that initiated them and bring the initiating page or tab to the front, a useful security measure. Most of the changes, however, are bug fixes, ranging from the trivial, such as corrected tooltips, to the significant, including a variety of crashing bugs. See the release notes for a full list. OmniWeb 5.1.2 costs $30, and upgrades are free to registered users as a 6.0 MB (English) or 10.3 MB (internationalized) disk image. [ACE]

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