This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-11-04 at 12:00 p.m.
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PowerPC Interrupt Extension

by Geoff Duncan

PowerPC Interrupt Extension -- If you've been seeing inexplicable hangs or momentary freezes on your Power Mac, Apple might have an answer for you in the new PowerPC Interrupt Extension. Drop this in your System Folder, and it fixes one known cause of "long interrupt latencies" - basically, where the computer sits around waiting for something more important to happen. It's difficult to say what specific problems this extension will fix since so many programs can be affected, but reports indicate the extensions fixes formerly-reproducible problems with some games, telecommunications software (including PPP), and audio/video editing tools. This extension requires a Power Macintosh and System 7.5.5. [GD]

< updates/US/mac/System/Other_System/ PowerPC_Interrupt_Extension.hqx>