This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-09-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/05-Sep-05

by TidBITS Staff

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be faster.

iTunes Vs. The Titans -- Rumor has it that the major music labels want to charge more than $0.99 per song, even though Apple's pricing has proven enormously successful. Is Apple powerful enough to stand up to the majors on price? (2 messages)


How to use Spotlight to search file and folder names quickly -- Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger's new Spotlight search feature is attractive, but it seems to miss what most people search for first: filenames. Here's how to work around the limitation. (9 messages)


iPhoto Blog integration -- What's the best way to get pictures out of iPhoto and onto a weblog? (7 messages)


Virtual memory swapping problem -- Virtual memory, which uses hard disk space in place of RAM when RAM is getting full, can dramatically slow down your Mac (especially with an older, slower hard drive). Find out how you can tell if Mac OS X is swapping VM files and what to do about it. (5 messages)


Professionals switching -- Apple has been appealing to average computer users in its switching campaigns, but what about professionals? Readers share their experiences with Windows-based graphics professionals picking up the Mac. (3 messages)


Problems with Kensington DC Laptop/iPod adapter -- A power supply with interchangeable adapter tips causes problems for a few readers. (3 messages)


Annoyance level of different ad types -- Glenn Fleishman's article about Flashblocker software to control Flash-based online advertising prompts a discussion of how intrusive advertising has become. (7 messages)


Timbuktu "Secure" Connection and Certificates? A representative from Netopia explains how Timbuktu handles secure connections. (2 messages)


Hurricane Relief -- As Hurricane Katrina ravaged the southeast coast of the United States, TidBITS Talk readers provided links to aid organizations and other resources. (5 messages)
