This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-07-25 at 12:00 p.m.
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iMix Playlist Representing Apple History

by Adam C. Engst

iMix Playlist Representing Apple History -- Want to have some fun? The final "stunt" in the MacBrainiac Challenge at last week's Macworld Expo in Boston was to create a playlist from tracks in the iTunes Music Store with about 10 songs whose titles best represented Apple's corporate history. It was tough, both because of slow Internet connectivity to the iTunes Music Store and because of the limited time we had on stage. Honestly, I can't remember the specific songs my team picked, but I do remember that the opposing Smart Folders team did a better job and was justly rewarded with more audience applause.

But hey, you can participate in this too. Go to the iTunes Music Store and make up an iMix playlist with tracks whose titles (not artist or album names) elicit parts of Apple's history, in chronological order, of course. You can use as many songs as you like, and it would be especially cool if other aspects of the song contributed additional levels of meaning to what you're trying to represent - having a blues song whose title represents Apple's 1998 death spiral, for instance, would be great. Then write up a description of your iMix, explaining what each song is supposed to elicit, and send it, along with a link to the iMix, to TidBITS Talk at <> so the rest of us can see what you've done. [ACE]
