This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-11-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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Anarchie 2.0.1

by Geoff Duncan

Anarchie 2.0.1 -- Peter N Lewis has released version 2.0.1 of his popular FTP client Anarchie (2.0.1 fixes a minor bug with international character sets in the three-day-old 2.0). New features include the ability to upload and download entire folders, various user interface improvements (such as a kangaroo progress indicator), plus a Tips window to familiarize users with Anarchie's capabilities. Most significantly, Anarchie 2.0.1 sports a new MacSearch feature (developed in conjunction with Ambrosia Software) that quickly locates Macintosh files in the Info-Mac and UMich archives, now that Archie is a less-than-reliable service for finding files on the Internet. Anarchie is $10 shareware for new users, free for users who registered a previous version in 1996, and $5 for other previous users. The download is about 1 MB. [GD]

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