This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-04-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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Adam & Tonya at New Mexico User Groups

by Adam C. Engst

Adam & Tonya at New Mexico User Groups -- Tonya and I have never traveled to the southwest United States, so we're particularly looking forward to a trip to visit not one, not two, but three New Mexico-based Macintosh user groups in early May. At 7:00 PM on 03-May-05, I'll be speaking in Albuquerque to the AppleQuerque Macintosh User Group. Then, on the afternoon of 04-May-05, I'll address the Los Alamos Macintosh User Group, and at 7:00 PM that evening, the Santa Fe Macintosh User Group. I'm planning to talk primarily about iPhoto and wireless security; Tonya will be on hand to chat about Take Control and electronic publishing in general. If you're in the area, come say hello! [ACE]
