This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2005-03-14 at 12:00 p.m.
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Take Control News/14-Mar-05

by Adam C. Engst

As a way of spreading the word about Take Control ebooks, we've started working with some of our friends at other publications to publish excerpts from a few of our books. You can already download free samples of all our ebooks to see what's covered and what the reading experience would be like, but the excerpts contain the full text and screenshots of particular sections.


Take Control of Sharing Files in Panther excerpt -- If you're interested in a more secure, more configurable FTP server in Mac OS X and you haven't already purchased Glenn Fleishman's "Take Control of Sharing Files in Panther" ebook, head over to O'Reilly's MacDevCenter, where we've published an excerpt from the latest version of Glenn's popular ebook. In the excerpt, Glenn explains how you can install and configure PureFTPd to replace Mac OS X's built-in FTP server, turn on anonymous FTP access, create FTP users that don't have associated Mac OS X login accounts on the machine, and more.

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Take Control of Mac OS X Backups excerpt -- Joe Kissell's "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups" has been our best-selling ebook of recent months, and it's great to see so many people protecting their data with good backups. If you haven't yet bought Joe's ebook, you can read a two-part excerpt on Macworld's Web site. In part one, Joe helps you start developing a backup strategy: he explains the difference between duplicates and archives (and why you want both), and discusses why synchronization utilities aren't sufficient for backups. Then, in part two, he talks about how often you should back up, looks at what's different about backing up a small network, and provides his overall recommendations.

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