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Take Control News/24-Jan-05

by Adam C. Engst

It may seem as though little has been happening with Take Control of late, but in fact, that's mostly because we've been working on translations and updates, with two appearing this week and more coming soon.


"Take Control of Sharing Files in Panther" Turns 1.2 -- The 1.2 update of Glenn Fleishman's ebook about setting up (and using) file sharing services under Panther is hot off our virtual press. The most important change is a significantly revised and expanded section about setting up an FTP server. Glenn now recommends that readers avoid using Apple's built-in FTP server and instead use PureFTPd and PureFTPd Manager, which offer many helpful features for running a secure, well-managed server. In addition to a number of tiny updates relating to Mac OS X 10.3.6 and iPhoto 5, Glenn added info about Secure FTP (SFTP) and FTP-SSL/TLS. To finish the update, we added a coupon at the back for $5 off any purchase from Small Dog Electronics.

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If you own the ebook, get your update by clicking the Check for Updates button on the first page of the PDF file. If your copy is too old (version 1.1.1 or older) to have a Check for Updates button, you may be able to update via a coupon code sent to you in email in the spring of 2004. If you've lost the coupon code, ask for help via the form on our FAQ page. [ACE]


"Take Control of Buying a Mac" Translated to German -- Sprechen Sie Deutsch? If so, you should check out our latest Take Control release, the German translation of version 1.0.1 of my "Take Control of Buying a Mac" ebook. Translated by Hartmut Greiser, who also did Joe Kissell's "Take Control of Upgrading to Panther," this new translation brings all my advice about when to buy a Mac, how to choose exactly the right Mac, where to buy Macs, and what to do with your old Mac to the German-speaking world. It costs US$7.50, and there's a $5 discount if you already purchased the English version; just click your Check for Updates button and purchase using the link on that page.

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Needless to say, it's more difficult for me to get the word out about the ebook in words for which my years of high-school German apparently failed to prepare me. So we welcome any suggestions you can make for ways we can introduce the translation to other German-speaking Mac users (or PC users who need to become Mac users). [ACE]