This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-12-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS 2004 Holiday Break

by Adam C. Engst

TidBITS 2004 Holiday Break -- You're reading the final TidBITS issue for 2004. Our next issue will arrive 10-Jan-05, as we gear up for Macworld Expo in San Francisco. We hope to enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation with family and friends in the meantime, and although I plan to be working on our server infrastructure during the break, it's entirely likely that email and our various non-issue services like TidBITS Talk and ExtraBITS will mostly slumber through the next few weeks.

With a chance for reflection provided by this vantage point at the end of the year, I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to the people without whom TidBITS couldn't exist: Tonya, Geoff, Jeff, Matt, Glenn, and Mark; our corporate sponsors and Internet hosts; the generous individuals who have written articles for TidBITS or contributed financially; our selfless volunteer translators; the folks who keep TidBITS Talk humming along; readers of our Take Control ebooks; and of course, everyone who gives meaning to our work by actually reading the words we send down the wires each week in TidBITS.

My wish for the new year is that 2005 will be brought to you by the letter C, in that I hope to see civility, candor, cooperation (for positive goals rather than against a common enemy, real or imagined), and consideration (of other individuals and of future consequences) become increasingly practiced, encouraged, and expected. [ACE]