This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-12-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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System Enhancements

by TidBITS Staff

RAM, Wonderful RAM -- Perhaps the most commonly suggested item this year was more RAM, which is still quite affordable. Kate Norem said it best when she wrote, "You know, one can never have too much RAM."

Scott <> agrees, or at least he thinks he does:

As I get older I find that my memory isn't what it used to be. In fact, I frequently forget current events. As I get older I find that my memory isn't what it used to be. What would help me considerably is new memory. Please tell Santa that I barely remember to rebuild my desktop, optimize my HD, and check it twice on a monthly basis. A 16 MB or 32 MB, 60ns, 72-pin SIMM for my LC475 would be a very nice stocking stuffer. Now if I can only remember how to install it...

TidBITS sponsor Small Dog Electronics has come up with special RAM pricing to go with this issue. They have 8 MB, 16, MB, and 32 MB 72-pin SIMMs for $40, $70, and $145, respectively. DIMMs in the same sizes are $45, $75, and $159. Check the TidBITS Memory Deal text on the Small Dog home page.


Scott is obviously faking amnesia if he can remember that his LC475 needs a 60ns, 72-pin SIMM. Most of us mere mortals rely on something like the free Guru 2.1 from Newer Technologies. Guru stands for GUide to RAM Upgrades and lists all sorts of tweaky little details about RAM upgrades for all Mac models. [ACE]


RAM Doubler 2

If RAM is a bit more than you want to spend, I recommend RAM Doubler 2... it works just like it's supposed to and makes a great gift. [Neil Fiertel <>]


We reviewed RAM Doubler 2 in TidBITS-351, and Cyberian Outpost is offering TidBITS readers RAM Doubler 2 for $49.95 ($4 off) via the URL below.

< doubler.html>