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HTMLbits: Akimbo and Claris Ship Updates

by Tonya Engst

Upping the ever-rising ante in the HTML editor game, Claris has shipped Home Page 2.0, and Akimbo recently released Globetrotter 1.1. Home Page 2.0 fills several glaring holes in a PageMill 2.0 to Home Page 1.0 comparison - Home Page now offers variable width table columns, the ability to display background graphics, client-side image maps, a spelling checker, and plug-in support. Pushing ahead from PageMill, Home Page now directly supports remote site publishing, and its cursor conveniently remains in the same location when you switch into HTML mode.

If you know your Home Page 1.0 registration number (U.S. version only), you can download the update from the Claris Web site. The full update is 6.6 MB, but there are also partial updates available for those who don't want bits and pieces like templates and clip art. Home Page has an estimated street price of $99.

< clarispage20/clarispage20.html>

Globetrotter takes a unique and more site-oriented approach than the page-oriented Home Page, offering the ability to create one multi-section, printable document which can then be saved as a Web site with each section breaking out as a separate page. Globetrotter 1.1 makes more sophisticated tables and has a number of general improvements. Globetrotter costs $99 from Akimbo and upgrades are free to registered users of 1.0.
