This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-08-23 at 12:00 p.m.
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Allume Ships Spring Cleaning 7

by Adam C. Engst

Allume Ships Spring Cleaning 7 -- Allume Systems has shipped Spring Cleaning 7, the company's long-standing cleanup utility for identifying unwanted files and folders and dealing with them (in ways other than just wholesale deletion). New features in the Spring Cleaning application include the Logs & Temporary Items Finder, which identifies potentially massive log files and temporary items, and SizeManager, which helps you find (and visually compare) files based on size criteria you set. Spring Cleaning 7 also now saves custom searches, makes it easier to restore files that were moved non-destructively, displays a preview of selected files, and makes it easier to use the QuickCompare application to compare similar files. Also new is a separate application - System Snapshot - that scans your system to establish a baseline and then shows changes since the last scan. Spring Cleaning 7 costs $50; upgrades from earlier versions or from iClean cost $20 (unless you purchased Spring Cleaning 6.0 after 16-Jul-04, at which point the upgrade is free). [ACE]
