This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-08-16 at 12:00 p.m.
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Apple Ships Motion, Introduces Production Suite

by Jeff Carlson

Apple Ships Motion, Introduces Production Suite -- After introducing it in April, Apple is now shipping Motion, the company's new motion-graphics application (see "Apple NABs Pro Video Attention" in TidBITS-727). The $300 program creates snazzy effects and titles on top of video, and complement's Adobe's dominant After Effects. In related video news, Apple announced that Motion is now part of an application set it calls Production Suite, which encompasses Final Cut Pro HD, Motion, DVD Studio Pro (which was updated to version 3.0.1 last week), and Soundtrack. The collection sells for $1,300; owners of any version of Final Cut Pro can upgrade to the entire suite for $700. Also noteworthy, Apple released Pro Application Support 2.1, an update for owners of Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, Compressor, LiveType, Soundtrack, and DVD Studio Pro. The update improves reliability, updates interface issues, and is required for future updates; it's a free 2.6 MB download. [JLC]

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