This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-08-02 at 12:00 p.m.
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Steve Jobs Undergoes Cancer Surgery

by Geoff Duncan

Steve Jobs Undergoes Cancer Surgery -- In an email message to Apple employees 01-Aug-04, Apple CEO Steve Jobs disclosed he had successful surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his pancreas, and will be taking the month of August off to recuperate. In the meantime, Tim Cook - Apple's current head of worldwide sales and operations - will run Apple. Jobs identified his cancer as an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor, a rare condition which can be treated by surgical removal. He said his tumor was diagnosed early, and that he would require no radiation treatment or chemotherapy. Jobs did not have adenocarcinoma, the far more common (and more serious) form of pancreatic cancer. We wish him a speedy and complete recovery. [GD]
