This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-05-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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SubEthaEdit 2.0 Refines Collaboration

by Jeff Carlson

SubEthaEdit 2.0 Refines Collaboration -- The Coding Monkeys have released version 2.0 of SubEthaEdit, their unique real-time collaborative text editor. This release adds several editing features such as regular expression-based search and replace, text auto-completion, a split-window view, conversion of line endings, and read-only access. It also enables you to invite other people on your local network to your shared document using Rendezvous. Developer-friendly features include AppleScript and ActionScript syntax highlighting, and per-mode preferences. SubEthaEdit 2.0 is not compatible with version 1.0, so each collaborator must be running the latest version to share documents. The program is a 1.2 MB download, and is free for non-commercial use; a commercial license costs $35. [JLC]
