This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-05-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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Beating a Path to Path Finder 3.2

by Matt Neuburg

Beating a Path to Path Finder 3.2 -- The folks at Cocoatech have released version 3.2 of their flagship Finder replacement, Path Finder. With Path Finder, you can navigate your hard disks, see invisible items, sort in many ways (including "smart" sorting, which distinguishes applications, folders, and packages from normal files), make a new file or folder (without its jumping around the window!), list files into a text file, copy a pathname, accumulate files from many locations to be moved or copied to a single location (the "Drop Stack"), get extensive information about items on disk, and loads of other things you wish you could do from the Finder. There are also many power user features: you can examine files in hex, get a class dump or symbol table of an application, sample (profile) a running application, launch multiple instances of an application, launch as root, access the command line, and so forth. In addition to numerous bug fixes, this version augments the "Swiss Army Knife" quality of Path Finder, adding the capability to burn a CD, take a screen shot, connect to remote servers, and more. Many popular utilities, such as LaunchBar, DragThing, and Zinng, support Path Finder. Try it; you might never bother with the Finder again. Path Finder 3.2 is a free update for registered users of version 3.0. It is a $10 upgrade from earlier versions. Otherwise it costs $35. It requires Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. A feature-complete 21-day demo is available. [MAN]
