This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-02-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Take Control User Group Discount

by Adam C. Engst

Take Control User Group Discount -- User groups have long been one of the mainstays of the Macintosh community, which is why we've always encouraged user group newsletters to reprint TidBITS articles for free. Now we want to extend that support to our new Take Control series of electronic books, so we're offering all user group members coupons that are good for 10 percent off all orders. We're also planning to provide a free copy of each book to user groups for raffling off and/or review in the group newsletter. If you're in a user group, ask one of the officers of your group to contact me at <>, and I'll put your group on our list to receive the free copies and the discount coupons. [ACE]
