This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-02-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Text Wrangler 1.5.1 and Mailsmith 2.1.1 Available

by Adam C. Engst

Text Wrangler 1.5.1 and Mailsmith 2.1.1 Available -- Hot on the heels of last week's release of BBEdit 7.1.2, Bare Bones Software has shipped two more maintenance upgrades. TextWrangler 1.5.1 adds Rendezvous discovery of local FTP servers, an Open Scripts Folder command, and more of those sort of niggling features and bug fixes that can make a huge difference in everyday usability. TextWrangler 1.5.1 requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later and is a 7.7 MB download. Switching to the email side of things, Mailsmith 2.1.1 adds the capability to view the source of outgoing messages and fixes a number of minor bugs. It's a 14.9 MB download and requires Mac OS X 10.1.5 or later, with 10.2.6 or later recommended. [ACE]

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