This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-02-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Ambrosia Releases Snapz Pro X 2.0

by Adam C. Engst

Ambrosia Releases Snapz Pro X 2.0 -- Ambrosia Software has released a major update to Snapz Pro X, their utility for making screenshots and recording movies of on-screen actions under Mac OS X. Much of Ambrosia's attention went toward improving Snapz Pro X's video capture capabilities, which enable it to capture full-motion video, complete with digital audio and an optional microphone voiceover. For those of us who use Snapz Pro X primarily for static screenshots, Ambrosia streamlined the interface, added a live preview so you can see the results of different settings, provided a FatBits mode for close-ups, and more. On the downside, installing Snapz Pro X 2.0 seems to have had the effect of wiping out all my Startup Items, so I recommend recording your list before installing, just in case. Snapz Pro X 2.0 Movie Capture costs $70, and upgrades from Snapz Pro X 1.0 Movie Capture are $20, or $40 from Snapz Pro X 1.0 Image Capture (the version that's not licensed for capturing video). If you don't need movie capture, Snapz Pro X 2.0 Image Capture costs $30, and upgrades from the previous version are free (just download the demo and it should pick up your registration information; Ambrosia's site is wildly confusing on this fact). It's a 5.2 MB download. [ACE]
