This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-02-02 at 12:00 p.m.
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BBEdit 7.1.2 Available

by Geoff Duncan

BBEdit 7.1.2 Available -- Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 7.1.2, an update to its professional-level text, HTML, and programming editor. As usual, the product release notes detail new features and copious adjustments and fixes; of special note are the ability to press Command-period to interrupt long-running grep searches (handy when you mess up an expression used to cull through a 60 MB log file!) and the option to specify alternate ports for SFTP connections. BBEdit's built-in FTP client no longer sends NOOP commands to remote FTP servers every 30 seconds; BBEdit used to do this to try to keep the FTP session open, but if there was a problem or network congestion, BBEdit could stall. BBEdit 7.1.2 is free to registered users of BBEdit 7, and it is available as a 12.9 MB disk image for either Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X 10.2 or later. [GD]

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