This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-12-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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Business Card Composer 2 Offers Online Ordering

by Tonya Engst

Business Card Composer 2 Offers Online Ordering -- BeLight Software has updated Business Card Composer, their elegant application for creating attractive business cards. Most notably, Business Card Composer 2 lets you order your custom business cards from an online print shop for reasonable prices; the process works much like ordering photos from within iPhoto. Also new in Business Card Composer 2 is support for custom card and paper sizes, integration with Address Book for printing cards for multiple people at once, and integration with Google Image Search for finding new graphics (although, as the software clearly warns, there are likely copyright restrictions on the use of images found on the Internet; in an ideal world, it would let you search only for images distributed under a Creative Commons license that allowed use). Business Card Composer 2 is free to registered users, although you must fill out an update form to get a new license code; it's a 7 MB download. [TJE]

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