This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-11-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/24-Nov-03

by TidBITS Staff

Jeff's video cropping odyssey -- Jeff Porten follows up his article about EyeTV with this description of how he stores programs on video. (1 message)


Faxing in Panther -- TidBITS Talk readers report their experiences using Panther's built-in fax software. (2 messages)


Indie Digital Music -- As goes dark (including the vaporization of its library), readers point out the quality music that existed amongst the sludge. (2 messages)


Stopping spam at the server -- Charles Arthur's review of PostArmor sparks discussion about other sever-level spam-fighting tools. (8 messages)


2003 Holiday Gift Ideas: Hardware -- It's time for gizmos, gadgets, and honkin' big Power Macs. What hardware gifts do you suggest? (1 message)


2003 Holiday Gift Ideas: Software -- Hand your niece or nephew some source code... or, be traditional and get some pre-compiled software for the holidays. Which titles do you favor? (1 message)


2003 Holiday Gift Ideas: Gamwa -- Whether you prefer to save the universe or puzzle through some good brain-benders, which game titles do you recommend? (1 message)


2003 Holiday Gift Ideas: Computer Miscellaneous -- Have a gift idea that doesn't fit into an easy category? Suggest it here! (1 message)


2003 Holiday Gift Ideas: For the Macintosh-minded -- Mac users do have other interests, you know. What would your favorite Apple enthusiast appreciate? (1 message)
