This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-02-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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Speed Bump for Speed Doubler Users

by Tonya Engst

Speed Bump for Speed Doubler Users -- Connectix has identified potentially serious problems with using Speed Doubler and Apple's Find File under the new Mac OS 7.6. Problems range from innocuous ones like Find File not displaying information to scary ones like disk catalog errors. Last Friday, Connectix released the Speed Doubler 2.0.1 Updater, which corrects the problem for 2.0 users. Speed Doubler 1.x users should be able to update to version 1.3.2 in the very near future; Connectix may have posted the 1.3.2 Updater by the time you read this text. These releases are both U.S. versions; Connectix plans to release localized versions soon. [TJE]

Connectix -- 800/839-3632 -- 415/571-5100 --
415/571-5195 (fax) -- <>
