This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-11-17 at 12:00 p.m.
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BBEdit 7.1 Adds Live HTML Preview and SFTP

by Adam C. Engst

BBEdit 7.1 Adds Live HTML Preview and SFTP -- Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 7.1, a free update to the company's powerful text and HTML editing program that adds a handful of welcome features. Most notable is the Preview in BBEdit command, which displays the HTML page you're working on in a BBEdit window using the WebKit rendering engine that's also at the heart of Safari. The truly cool part is that it's a live preview, with updates appearing automatically seconds after you make a change to the HTML code. Though the page may not look perfect due to missing graphics or server-side processing, BBEdit's Preview makes tweaking Web pages far faster and easier than before (though you'll really want a second monitor to hold the extra windows). Also new in BBEdit 7.1 is support for SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), which provides encrypted FTP sessions when there's a compatible version of sshd running on port 22, as is true of Mac OS X machines when Remote Login is selected in the Sharing preference pane. Lastly, if you're working with FTP servers on your local network, BBEdit's FTP dialogs now support Rendezvous for discovering FTP and SFTP servers. BBEdit 7.1 is a 15.2 MB download; it's free for registered users of BBEdit 7.0. New copies cost $180, with a variety of upgrade and cross-upgrade discounts available. [ACE]

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