This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-11-17 at 12:00 p.m.
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Dr. Bott Sponsoring TidBITS

by Adam C. Engst

Dr. Bott Sponsoring TidBITS -- We're pleased to welcome our latest long-term sponsor, the Macintosh peripheral manufacturer and distributor Dr. Bott. Most people, and I was among them initially, don't realize that the company name wasn't chosen for its pleasant geekiness: at Macworld Expo a few years ago, I was surprised to meet in person Dr. Roderich Bott, a German Macintosh developer and former chemist who joined forces with Portland-based Macintosh consultant Eric Prentice to found the company. The pair's goal is to provide high-quality, innovative products to the Mac community, something they accomplish both by developing their own products and by distributing other companies' products. Dr. Bott is well known for devices like the MoniSwitch, a keyboard/video/monitor switch designed for use with the Mac, and, more recently, the ExtendAIR antennas for AirPort Extreme Base Stations. On the distribution side, Dr. Bott particularly tries to serve the smaller resellers who would have trouble buying from multiple manufacturers or dealing with large distributors who prefer higher-volume merchants. All in all, Dr. Bott has proven itself a thoroughly Mac-like company, and we're happy to have them further supporting the Macintosh community through their TidBITS sponsorship. [ACE]
