This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-09-29 at 12:00 p.m.
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Listen to Adam on Inside Mac Radio

by Adam C. Engst

Listen to Adam on Inside Mac Radio -- Want to listen to my informal take on what's going on in the Mac world every week? Scott Sheppard has started producing a daily Macintosh radio show you can listen to on the Internet or download in MP3 format for later listening in iTunes or on your iPod. I'll be talking with Scott on a regular basis, and you can check out the first show at the link below. Earlier in the month, I did an interview with Chuck Joiner on the online-only User Group Report, and with the promise of Scott's Inside Mac Radio Daily appearing regularly, I'm curious to hear on TidBITS Talk what you think of these online radio shows, and if you'd like us to link to interviews with TidBITS staffers on a regular basis. [ACE]
