This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-09-22 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/22-Sep-03

by TidBITS Staff

Boring headers for Eudora -- For those who want to eliminate unnecessary headers in Eudora, here's a thread for suggesting specific headers to hide. (11 messages)


Asante FR1004AL can share a non-PS printer -- Some non-Postscript printers can be shared by the Asante wireless router mentioned in Adam's article. (1 message)


Eudora Filter Priority -- Eudora's filter feature remains creaky, but here are some tips for working with them. (4 messages)


Updating Linksys gateways from a Mac -- Readers suggest alternate methods of updating Linksys gateway firmware without using a Windows PC. (4 messages)
