This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-09-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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PowerMail 4.2 Improves Speed, Searching

by Adam C. Engst

PowerMail 4.2 Improves Speed, Searching -- CTM Development has released PowerMail 4.2 , the latest version of their email client (see "Migrating to New Climes with PowerMail" in TidBITS-530 for a review of PowerMail 3.0). New in PowerMail 4.2 is CTM's high-speed FoxTrot searching technology, which reportedly offers speeds 300 to 500 percent faster than the previous Sherlock-based searching PowerMail used. PowerMail 4.2 also boasts other performance increases in launching and drawing large lists, enhanced filtering that can filter on message content, searching on cached IMAP information, and more. Upgrades are free for registered PowerMail 4.x users; they cost $30 for users of PowerMail 3.x, or $50 for new customers. A 30-day demo is available as a 5.0 MB download. [ACE]
