This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-09-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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iView MediaPro 2.0 Manages More Assets

by Adam C. Engst

iView MediaPro 2.0 Manages More Assets -- iView Multimedia has released iView MediaPro 2.0, a major upgrade to the company's powerful digital asset management program. New features include more editing capabilities (beyond the free iPhoto, but not to the level of Adobe Photoshop Elements), performance improvements and support for larger catalogs, additional control over cataloged images in the file system, PDF output of image collections, advanced slideshows customizable down to the individual image level, enhanced HTML export, and more. iView MediaPro's new capabilities are powerful and welcome; unfortunately, the program still suffers from interface awkwardnesses that obscure its full power for those accustomed to the simplicity of programs like iPhoto. It's also no longer cheap, at $160, with upgrades from version 1.5 available for $88. For those looking for a less expensive image cataloging program that outperforms only that aspect of iPhoto, iView Media 1.2 lacks iView MediaPro's more advanced features, but costs only $30. Lastly, for viewing and playing slideshows of existing catalogs, there's now the free iView Catalog Reader. Time-limited trial versions of both iView MediaPro and iView Media are available. [ACE]
