This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-09-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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Glenn Fleishman Joins TidBITS

by Adam C. Engst

Glenn Fleishman Joins TidBITS -- We've always tried to keep the TidBITS organization lean (though not mean), but our friend and colleague Glenn Fleishman has helped out for so long and in so many ways that we had to make it official. He's now a TidBITS contributing editor, joining Mark Anbinder and Matt Neuburg in that august position. As a contributing editor, Glenn's entitled to the full set of TidBITS perks, including a prime parking spot, use of the company apartment (both at TidBITS headquarters in Ithaca, NY, of course), use of the royal "we" in articles, and a email address that works anywhere in the world. Welcome to TidBITS, Glenn! [ACE]