This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-09-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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Mailsmith 2.0.1 Adds Secure SSL

by Jeff Carlson

Mailsmith 2.0.1 Adds Secure SSL -- Bare Bones Software has released Mailsmith 2.0.1, an update to its powerful email client (see Matt Neuburg's "True Confessions of a Mailsmith Switcher" in TidBITS-690). At the top of the list of changes is support for checking and sending email using secure (SSL) connections to POP and SMTP servers. Also new in this version is the capability to perform tests against group memberships in Apple's Address Book application, more terms for use in Mailsmith's advanced filters (see our series on Mailsmith distributed filtering), and a number of tweaks and bug fixes. Mailsmith 2.0.1 also now includes a copy of Michael Tsai's SpamSieve (see "Tools We Use: SpamSieve" in TidBITS-667). Mailsmith 2.0.1 is a 13 MB download, requires Mac OS X 10.1.5 or later, and is free for owners of Mailsmith 1.5 and later. [JLC]
