This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-07-28 at 12:00 p.m.
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Palm Tungsten T2 Improves on Original

by Jeff Carlson

Palm Tungsten T2 Improves on Original -- Last November, Palm's Tungsten T marked a new beginning for the handheld maker. Thanks to its a bright color screen, capacious memory, fast processor, and Palm OS 5, the Tungsten T proved innovation was still possible for Palm following several years of humdrum activity (see "Tungsten T Marks New Beginning for Palm" in TidBITS-655). Now Palm has released the Tungsten T2, which improves on the successes of the its predecessor. The built-in memory has doubled to 32 MB, and the flash memory (which stores the operating system and standard applications) is now 8 MB. Part of that flash memory is now occupied by applications such as email and Web clients that were previously available only on CD. This release also uses Graffiti 2 software for text input, which offers slightly different strokes to create some letters and the capability to write directly on the screen instead of in the dedicated Graffiti area. Also improved is the color screen, using a transflective TFT that is brighter and sharper than the Tungsten T's already impressive screen. Other features, such as built-in Bluetooth networking and a microphone for recording voice messages, are identical to the original model. The Tungsten T2 is available now for $350. [JLC]

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