This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-07-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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Adobe Premiere to Fade to Black on Mac

by Geoff Duncan

Adobe Premiere to Fade to Black on Mac -- Adobe Systems has announced that Adobe Premiere Pro, the latest version of its 12-year-old video editing application, should be shipping this August both as a standalone application and as part of the Standard and Professional editions of the just-announced Adobe Video Collection application suite. However, Adobe will not be shipping Premiere Pro for Macintosh, instead focusing all its video applications on the Windows XP platform. Presumably, Adobe has decided it's no longer worth their time and effort to compete with Apple's extensive line of digital video applications (primarily the recently revamped Final Cut Pro, but also Final Cut Express, iMovie, iDVD, and iDVD Studio Pro) on a platform also controlled by Apple. Current Premiere users may wish to migrate to the Windows platform, but it wouldn't be surprising if Apple were to offer a competitive upgrade to Final Cut Pro. [GD]

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