This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-06-23 at 12:00 p.m.
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Safari 1.0 and SDK Released

by Jeff Carlson

Safari 1.0 and SDK Released -- Apple's Safari Web browser has officially been set loose in the wild. Safari 1.0 was released today via Software Update and as a separate 6.2 MB download. According to Apple, this release improves Web standards compatibility, is available in all Mac OS X languages, and is now the default Mac OS X browser (supplanting Microsoft Internet Explorer, which was recently put into maintenance mode; see TidBITS-684 for details). More Safari-related AppleScript scripts appeared today as well. Apple also released a Safari software development kit (SDK) to enable developers to access Safari's HTML rendering engine from their applications. The lack of a good system-wide HTML rendering engine has hurt many applications, so we expect HTML display and rendering to improve throughout the Macintosh world as developers take advantage of Safari. [JLC]
