This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-06-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/09-Jun-03

by TidBITS Staff

Online Crossword Puzzles -- Pointers to additional software for solving and creating crossword puzzles on the Mac. (7 messages)


Wireless for older Macs -- More suggestions for adding an older Mac to your wireless network. (8 messages)


Improving wireless reception -- It's always annoying when you're on the edge of a wireless network; here's another suggestion of what to do when WiFi Speed Spray fails you. (3 messages)

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Macs and non-Apple wireless hardware -- Apple makes good wireless networking hardware, but it's often more expensive than similar gear from other companies. But how well does that equipment work with Macs? It depends - read on. (11 messages)


Palm buying Handspring -- TidBITS Talk wasted no time in discussing the Palm-Handspring merger, with conversations revolving around whether Apple should have purchased Handspring, how well cell phones and PDAs combine, and more. (9 messages)


iTunes and independent artists -- Several sites are reporting that Apple held meetings with a number of independent music labels and laid out the details of deals for independent artists. It's true, but we're reserving coverage until Apple chooses to make the launch official. (3 messages)
