This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-04-28 at 12:00 p.m.
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Apple Quietly Updates iBooks

by Jeff Carlson

Apple Quietly Updates iBooks -- Apple's entry-level laptop family received a minor refresh this week, picking up a speed bump and larger hard disks but little else. The basic $1,000 12-inch iBook configuration now includes an 800 MHz PowerPC G3 processor (up from 700 MHz) and a 30 GB hard drive. For $1,300, you can move up to a 12-inch iBook with a 900 MHz processor and a 40 GB hard drive. The larger 14-inch model, at $1,500, also sports a 900 MHz processor and 40 GB drive; a build-to-order option offers a 60 GB drive, 640 MB of RAM, and an AirPort card. The big surprise with this update is that these models don't support AirPort Extreme, especially since this revision is likely to be the one that students and school districts will consider for the next school year. However, with school budgets tightening, perhaps Apple is attempting to keep costs down until AirPort Extreme is more widely adopted. The new iBooks are available now. [JLC]
