This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2002-09-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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Font Reserve 3.1 Released

by Matt Neuburg

Font Reserve 3.1 Released -- When Font Reserve 3.0 was released as DiamondSoft's first attempt on the Mac OS X fortress, it couldn't handle Mac OS X fonts, such as .dfonts, .otfs, and Windows .ttfs - rather a serious limitation for a font management utility. (See "Font Reserve Moves to Mac OS X" in TidBITS-620.) Now an update, version 3.1, fills that hole; it's a 10.2 MB download. Font Reserve 3.1 is Jaguar-compatible and manages all Mac OS X font types. Auto-activation now works too: when a document is opened by just about any Mac OS X application, if it uses any fonts that are in Font Reserve's database and aren't active, Font Reserve activates them transparently. Those who favor Font Reserve's centralized approach to font storage and its database-like features that make finding and navigating even huge quantities of fonts easy will be delighted to see at last a Mac OS X version that truly works. It's free for owners of version 3.0, $30 for owners of previous versions, $50 for owners of ATM Deluxe and Suitcase, and $90 for new users. [MAN]

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